In-home care, because your home is where your child does most of their talking.

We offer in-home speech therapy rather than having your child visit our therapists in a professional clinic.

Your home is your child’s safe space, and it’s where our team can best observe their natural routines and development.

Home visits are convenient for busy Brooklyn parents, and seeing you at home allows us to suggest ways you can more easily participate in, and nurture your child’s improvement. Plus, your child will feel special when a visitor rings the bell, just to see them!

An unconventional approach that starts 
with diagnostic therapy, and doesn’t depend entirely on costly evaluations.

Formal speech evaluations are designed around standardized assessments. They generate a score compared to an average.

Often, the results of these high-pressure, lengthy and expensive evaluations are too blunt and not detailed enough to identify your child’s unique strengths and needs. Parents are left with a long report that’s difficult to decipher and even harder to transform into active therapeutic care. 

We start with a 90-120 minute session of diagnostic therapy instead of a formal evaluation.

This helps us determine several functional goals we’ll want to work on during the first 4-5 sessions with your child. In those sessions, we’ll continue to diagnose problems and map out your child’s custom care plan.

If our speech therapists need additional information to support your child, or your family requires diagnostics to advocate for outside services or healthcare planning, we can plan for and include a formal evaluation in our time together.

Read more about what you can expect when it comes to hiring us for speech therapy for your child→

Experience rooted in cultural fluency, early intervention, and integrative care.

 Our team will go above and beyond for you and your child to guide you through the rocky early developmental years, and we’ll always respect your home and your culture as we do so.

Our founder, Taylor’s first job out of graduate school was in a major hospital in New York, serving patients who didn't speak English; offering therapy through interpreters over the phone; and learning to respect and work within the routines and rituals of diverse family units, whether they were Orthodox Jewish, expats from Britain and France, Hispanic, Asian American, and more. 

Read more about our experience...

Because Taylor’s background and early experiences in speech pathology were in a pediatric unit for traumatic brain injury, she and her team hold a deep understanding of the neurology behind communication.

We know the importance of establishing a comprehensive team for your child’s physical, emotional and therapeutic care, whenever it is needed. We know how to approach and collaborate with your child’s doctors, and they trust our experience when we provide recommendations and input.

Taylor helped develop one of India’s first Early Intervention centers and worked abroad for several years. Her work as a live-in speech therapist for Avanica Khosla in Delhi changed her life and perspective by introducing her to the power of in-home care.

Spending this much time with one family resulted in embracing and encouraging an engaging, people-person style of therapy. Our clients trust us, enjoy our company, and their kids think we’re pretty great playmates!

Learn more about our team →

 Our team will go above and beyond for you and your child to guide you through the rocky early developmental years, and we’ll always respect your home and your culture as we do so.

Our founder, Taylor’s first job out of graduate school was in a major hospital in New York, serving patients who didn't speak English; offering therapy through interpreters over the phone; and learning to respect and work within the routines and rituals of diverse family units, whether they were Orthodox Jewish, expats from Britain and France, Hispanic, Asian American, and more. 

Read more about our experience...

Because Taylor’s background and early experiences in speech pathology were in a pediatric unit for traumatic brain injury, she and her team hold a deep understanding of the neurology behind communication.

We know the importance of establishing a comprehensive team for your child’s physical, emotional and therapeutic care, whenever it is needed. We know how to approach and collaborate with your child’s doctors, and they trust our experience when we provide recommendations and input.

Taylor helped develop one of India’s first Early Intervention centers and worked abroad for several years. Her work as a live-in speech therapist for Avanica Khosla in Delhi changed her life and perspective by introducing her to the power of in-home care.

Spending this much time with one family resulted in embracing and encouraging an engaging, people-person style of therapy. Our clients trust us, enjoy our company, and their kids think we’re pretty great playmates!

Learn more about our team →

“Taylor is incredible. She's worked with our six year old on his speech articulation for the last year. Over that time, she's become a part of Max's routine that he genuinely looks forward to every week. She makes speech therapy fun, incorporating games, exercises, and tons of positive reinforcement. We're thrilled with the progress Max has made and would recommend Taylor to any family looking to work on speech with their child!”

— Charlie M.

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